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Make your own boomerang


You need:

_ Printout of the template (enlarged)
_ 4-5 mm fine birch plywood (at least 2 layers per mm)
_ Priming and lacquer


_ Scissors and pencil
_ Fret saw (with screw clamps)
_ Rasp, file, rough and fine sandpaper
_ Brushes

Building guidance:

_ Cut out paper template (outer line) and transfer it onto plywood using your pencil
_ For good reinforcement grain should run from wing to wing!
_ Fix plywood with clamps and cut out the transferred shape with your saw
_ Cut out paper template (inner line) and transfer it onto the cut out plywood piece
_ Use rasp and file for the flattenings (S = steep/F = flat)
_ Finish with rough and fine sandpaper
_ Put on priming, let dry and sand with very fine paper
_ Paint your boomerang. done!


_ Pay attention to other persons. Never throw in the direction of persons!
_ Hold the boomerang with your index finger and thumb
_ The other end of the boomerang shows forward
_ Throwing angle should be about 10-20 degrees
_ While throwing (a bit upwards) the wrist should flap forward
_ With wind: throw against the wind, about 30-45 degrees sideways

Throw. Practice. Throw. Correct. Throw. Fun


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